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What Does 1 Extra Hour of Community Service Look Like

44If every student-athlete volunteered just 1 more hour of community-service a year, imagine how 460,000 student-athletes could help change the world.

There are over 460,000 student-athletes in the NCAA. That is a big number. If student-athletes lived in 1 city, the city would be the size of Atlanta, GA. For us at HH, that is a “wow” number. We have the opportunity to make a huge impact in our local communities through giving just 1 extra hour of community-service a year.

460,000 Community Service Hours = 19,167 Days = 52.5 Years

What could 460,000 student-athletes pulling together look like?

FACT #1: We could read 1 book to every single child in the state of California. There are close to 9M elementary aged kids in California. If the average classroom size is 20 students, 460,000 student athletes could read to 9.2M kids. That is community service for a state.

FACT #2: If every student-athlete donated blood 1 time during the year, that would be enough blood to sustain every single fire fighter in the United States. One blood donation takes 1 pint of blood. 1 pint of blood can help save the life of 3 people. 460,000 student-athletes could help save the lives of 1.4M people, more then the total amount of fire fighters in the US. That is community service for America.

FACT #3: If every student-athlete donated one 16 oz. can of food, we could donate a can of food the size of the largest animal on the planet, a blue whale. That is community service the size of well, a blue whale.

Bonus Fact: Duke and Wisconsin could re-play the national championship game ever single day from now until the year 3275. Coach Krzyzewski would be an old, old man but probably wouldn’t look a day over 42.

As student-athletes, we have a HUGE-GIGANTIC-AMAZING opportunity to change the world through just 1 more hour of community service a year. 

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Helper HelperWhat Does 1 Extra Hour of Community Service Look Like