The best volunteer management software for service-learning
The Survey Center
The Survey Center will give you insights on your volunteers' experience and the impact your program has on the people volunteering and the community.

With the Survey Center you can easily do the following:
Create Surveys
Craft your own multiple-choice or fill in the blank questions.
Collect Feedback
Ask volunteers to share insights and reflect on their experiences.
Compile Reports
Compare your programming from year to year and see learning outcomes.
Continually improve your programing
With the Helper Helper Survey Center you can prompt responses right on a volunteer’s phone – making service-learning reflections a breeze!
- Expanded reflection allows for custom questions to be aimed at each event, category and/or organization.
- Use a variety of question types (multiple choice, free form text, upload attachment) to create pre and post event questions.
- Improve event logistics by gaining first hand volunteer perspectives on how events are managed.

For more detailed information on the Survey Center Click Here.
Understand Your Impact
With the Helper Helper Survey Center you can collect both qualitative and quantitative information allowing you to tell the full story on the impact your program is making.
- Understand more than just hours- collect # of trees planted and # of cans collected
- Gather key learning outcomes and service learning objectives on all the events your volunteers do
- Improve your processes and standards by asking for feedback after each event